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Ellid charitable society in Nablus always opining its doors:
2/5/2014 11:55:00 AM
Ellid charitable society in Nablus always opining its doors:
Ellid charitable society in Nablus open its doors for student from UNRWA schools in asker camp ,as a result of the strike at these schools
Cooperating with deferent camp’s association (Ellid charitable society, fathers board , other deferent association in the camp ,) Ellid charitable society open its halls for asker camp students (100) students from both genders ,for student from first and second grade in the primary subject s(Arabic , English ,math).
A group of specialists teachers and volunteer providing daily lessons to those student in Pasic subject .through Ellid charitable society and deferent institutions in asker camp. As participation an supporting the education . and Mr. . Alaa Darwish CEO of Ellid charitable society who welcomed of reception the student and he promised to continuing providing support to those student until the strike broken and the student go back to schools .