Empowering Marginalized Groups
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El-Lid charitable society implemented the UPA project for Orphans and disables
9/29/2011 1:29:00 PM
This project provided much needed clothing and school items for 84 orphans in Nablus. Of the 84 orphans, 19 are disabled. With no parents to provide for them, these children are some of the poorest in Nablus. Although they live with their extended families, the financial situation of these families is quite often dire, and the orphans’ basic needs are rarely met. The situation of the orphaned disabled children is particularly bad due to their special needs not being met.
To aid these orphans with day-to-day life, El-Lid Charitable Society provided clothes, sports uniforms, school bags and supplies to the 65 physically able orphans. El-Lid also provided the 19 disabled children with a variety of items, based on the disables’ special requests.
The 84 orphans were clearly delighted about receiving new clothes and school supplies. Although these supplies are the most basic of items, the orphans were overjoyed when they were handed their new school bags and other things. These new items therefore have a twofold effect. First, the school supplies and special needs equipment will concretely aid the children in their learning and day-to-day life. Second, the new clothing will allow the orphans to feel good about themselves, therefore boosting their confidence at school and in the home. In conclusion, these items are a necessary and wonderful gift for children who so rarely receive anything.
This project is granted and supported by United Palestinian Appeal, Inc (UPA) in USA. The UPA is dedicated to providing aid to Palestinians in need, especially children, in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.